Keeping Your Business Data Safe This Christmas

It may not seem like something that you should be thinking about during the festive season, but if you get a bit of downtime in your business over Christmas, then it might be the perfect opportunity to consider how you can best approach data security. We know it can be hard to consider the best way to make sure that your business data is safe, so as a Christmas gift to you, we’ve put together some of the best approaches to take and things to think about this year.


Take A Look At Your Passwords

Remembering all of your different passwords might be difficult, but remember they are there for a reason. Mainly, They’re there to make sure that your computer-based data is kept safe and secure. Passwords are unique to the user and therefore it should be something that is memorable. That said, it should never be something that could be easy to guess, like your birthday, your pets name or your anniversary. It’s a good idea to not only look at your own passwords, but also to ensure that your staff do too on a regular basis. Changing passwords and ensuring that they are as secure as possible is a good task to set for Christmas time, as it will be easy to remember when you need to revisit them.


Keep Physical Data Safe With Shredding

Whilst we are all moving towards a relatively paperless world, chances are that there is still likely to be some physical data and paperwork that we hold as businesses. It is important that this physical data never gets into the wrong hands, which means that you need to do your best to keep it safe. Shredding is hands down the best option for this. Not only does it destroy the data, but it also disposes of it in a fashion that ensures that it could never be put back together. And it’s a perfect festive task – just whack on some Christmas music and sing along!


Educate Yourself On Data

Knowledge is power, and this is definitely true when it comes to data for your business. Take the time to understand not only the data that you need to keep secure for your business – but why it’s important that this data is kept secure too. Not only this, but if you employ staff in your business, then perhaps you should encourage them to learn more about data too. After all, the biggest security weakness in any business is it’s people, and educating your team about data security will help them be on board with any new rules or policies that you are planning on putting in place.


Consider the Cloud

In this modern world, the way that we store things is really starting to change. The cloud is just one example of this. Storage for data has become remote, and with this there is the added safety and security that can come with cloud-based storage. Of course, there are some concerns when it comes to how things are stored on the Cloud, and many business owners are still concerned about sending their data somewhere off-site (even though for disaster recovery purposes this is a good thing). But if you choose a reputable storage provider, then everything should be fine, and all your questions will be answered.


At Hungry Shredder, we spend most of our time shredding sensitive documentation for businesses who don’t have the time or resource to do it in-house, but know it is an important part of their data security plans. Out outsourced document shredding service is the perfect way to ensure you keep your business data safe, without having to lose too much of your valuable time on it. If you would like to know more about our festive shredding offers, just get in touch with us today.

Get Shredding In
3 Easy Steps

1. Order Online

Choose the amount of shredding sacks you require, place your order on our website and we’ll deliver

2. Fill

When you receive the shredding sacks, fill them with all the documents that need to be shredded, then contact us

2. We Collect

Contact us to arrange the collection of your full sacks. One of our team will collect the sacks on the pre-arranged date

Why Peterborough Businesses Need Secure Shredding Services

Confidential shredding services play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and security of sensitive information for businesses in Peterborough. Here’s how these services relate to and amplify the importance of secure document destruction: 1. Enhanced Data Protection...

Our simple and secure document shredding services are designed around you, to make light work of confidential document destruction.

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