8 Tips For A Greener Office

Recent news of the impact we have on the planet has made most of us sit up and take notice of our own recycling habits. While it’s easy to see the ways in which we can make a difference at home, it’s often a different story in the workplace.


There are many benefits to going green in the office, including reduced costs and enhanced productivity. It can also improve the way customers and clients view your company, and who wouldn’t want that?


If this sounds appealing to you read on for our 8 top tips to help you go greener in the office.


  • Cutting down on the number of printed documents is an easy way to begin your journey to a greener office. Take a moment before printing to consider if you need a paper copy of this document. If the answer is no, easy, don’t print. If you’re not sure, try not printing and see if you come back to do it later. You can also make the documents you do need to print greener by printing double-sided or using the eco-mode on your printer.



  • Save energy by turning off all non-essential appliances before leaving the office. If you usually hit standby make sure you are fully shutting down instead. This doesn’t only apply for home time, but should also be best practice for when you’re leaving for a long meeting or lunch too.



  • Make recycling easy by creating a station with clear information. If you provide staff with a simple way to sort their rubbish they will be more inclined to do so on a regular basis. Think about designating sections for documents that need to be shredded, ink cartridges and even WEEE electrical waste.



  • Switch to recycled products wherever possible. This could be printer paper, stationery, paper towels or refillable ink cartridges. Speak to your suppliers about the most eco-friendly and cost-effective options and start switching.



  • Literally turn your office green by filling it with plants. Plants have been proven to reduce stress, increase productivity and even lower sickness rates. It’s also nice to walk into a bright and green office every morning, putting you in a good mood to start the day.



  • Remove disposable options from the office if there are any, instead ask staff to use mugs and glasses over throwaway cups. Branded or personalised mugs are a great way to encourage everyone to get on board with this idea.



  • If you’re prone to popping out and buying lunch each day, try switching to homemade lunches. You’ll cut down on packaging with reusable storage and save yourself quite a bit of money. Did you know the average lunch spend of around £5 per day equates to well over £1000 a year? Take it one step further and make the food you eat greener by cutting down on meat and using in-season & local produce.



  • Use environmentally friendly products to clean your office. There are so many brands offering animal and planet friendly products now that you are spoilt for choice. If you use a cleaning service, discuss with them what options they can offer you.




Now we’ve given you the tools you need to get started we hope you will give green a go. Don’t forget that we can help you dispose of unwanted documents in a safe and secure way. Once your documents are shredded they are recycled and returned as low-grade paper – another great way to keep up the green ethos. Sign up for one of our paper shredding services online today or get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Get Shredding In
3 Easy Steps

1. Order Online

Choose the amount of shredding sacks you require, place your order on our website and we’ll deliver

2. Fill

When you receive the shredding sacks, fill them with all the documents that need to be shredded, then contact us

2. We Collect

Contact us to arrange the collection of your full sacks. One of our team will collect the sacks on the pre-arranged date

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Our simple and secure document shredding services are designed around you, to make light work of confidential document destruction.

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